Friday, February 10, 2017


            Memory Techniques for Exam Preparation

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                                 Mind palaces

Officially known as the ‘method of loci’, the memory palace can be used to memorize huge volumes of information, and best of all, because it’s all down to your imagination, you can constantly expand it. It works like this:

1. Visualize something: Populate your mental image with details.
2. Mentally connect an image of each of the features you see: such as a palm tree in your imagined beach, or a sea sells by the side of your imagined sea  – with a manageable chunk of information. Think about the two together in depth and make sure you’ve really learned the information and its associated image.
3. To recall the information in the exam: simply retrace your steps through the sea or down the seashore and pick out the objects you’ve associated with the information.
4. When you want to add additional information to your memory bank: you can simply add another palm tree, seashore, or fish to your imaginary view or take a turn off your imaginary sea that will lead you to new location this new information.