Friday, February 17, 2017

  Russian Traditional Foods

  Unfortunately, Russian cuisine hasn’t made it big in the States. However, that leaves one more facet of Russian culture to discover on your own while you’re traveling. You’ve may have heard something about Russian traditional foods but have had little opportunity to try them. Visitors to Russia are often surprised at the variety and flavors of Russian cuisine.

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  • Borshch, of course, is beet soup, and one of the most famous Russian traditional foods. Beets seem a strange base for soup to many Westerners, but there are plenty of reasons that this hearty soup is one of Russia’s most famous dishes. Full of vegetables and meat, the layered flavors in this soup are especially nice with a dollop of fresh sour cream.
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  • Pelmeni are pastry dumplings filled typically with meatballs. They can be served alone, slathered in butter and topped with sour cream, or in a soup broth. Definitely a favorite in Russia and abroad!

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  • Blini are also served rolled with a variety of fillings: jam, cheese, onions, or even chocolate syrup. At any restaurant where you aren’t sure of any of the other dishes, blini are always a safe bet. Blini are such an important part of Russian cuisine, a festival called Maslenisa celebrates the beginning of spring with them.
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  1. It looks so good ! I wish I can try all of this one day !

  2. Hey Marina, just like Sandra I hope I can travel to Russia one day or just try Russian food... looks yummy :)
